Nikka Zaildar 3 continues the story of Nikka, a character portrayed by Ammy Virk, in what has become a popular Punjabi comedy-drama series. In this installment, the plot revolves around Nikka whose grandfather’s spirit enters his body following his death. This unusual situation leads to comedic scenarios as well as conflicts within his family and community, as they struggle to adapt to the peculiar changes in Nikka’s behavior. The movie explores themes of love, family bonds, and the cultural traditions of rural Punjab, all wrapped in humor and drama.
Nikka Zaildar 3 Movie Information
Attribute | Details |
Movie Name | Nikka Zaildar 3 |
Genres | Comedy, Drama |
Release Date | September 20, 2019 |
Director | Simerjit Singh |
Produced by | Amneet Sher Singh, Ramneet Sher Singh, Viacom 18 Studios |
Cinematography | Akashdeep Pandey |
Writer | Jagdeep Sidhu |
Cast | Ammy Virk, Wamiqa Gabbi, Sonia Kour, Nirmal Rishi, Parminder Gill |
Quality | High Definition |