Laung Laachi is a Punjabi film that blends romance and comedy with emotional drama. The story revolves around a newlywed couple, Mehnga and Laachi, who decide to live as strangers under the same roof. Laachi dreams of becoming a singer and the couple makes a pact that they will live as landlord and tenant, where Mehnga will rent the house to his wife and will try to woo her.
The film explores their relationship, the challenges they face, and how they navigate through love, misunderstandings, and societal pressures. The film also highlights the cultural elements of Punjabi traditions and the importance of dreams and ambitions in a relationship. You Can Also Download Ik Sandhu Hunda Si .
Laung Laachi Movie Information
Category | Details |
Movie Name | Laung Laachi |
Genres | Drama, Romance, Comedy |
Release Date | March 9, 2018 |
Director | Amberdeep Singh |
Produced by | Bhagwant Virk, Nav Virk |
Cinematography | Sukh Kamboj |
Writer | Amberdeep Singh |
Cast | Neeru Bajwa as Laachi Amberdeep Singh as Mehnga Ammy Virk as Prince |
Music by | Gurmeet Singh, Aman Jay, Beat Minister |
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