Jatt Nuu Chudail Takri is a Punjabi horror-comedy that revolves around a rural man named Shinda (played by Roshan Prince), who inadvertently stirs up a series of eerie events in his village after disturbing the resting place of an ancient witch, known as Chudail. As strange and comical occurrences begin to plague his life and those around him, Shinda must confront his fears and seek a way to appease the vengeful spirit. With a blend of humor and spine-chilling moments, the movie explores themes of superstition, bravery, and the consequences of meddling with the supernatural. You Can Also Download Jatt & Juliet 3.
Jatt Nuu Chudail Takri Punjabi Movie Information
Category | Details |
Movie Name | Jatt Nuu Chudail Takri |
Genres | Horror, Comedy |
Release Date | August 18, 2023 |
Director | Vikas Vashisht |
Produced by | Gunbir Singh Sidhu, Manmord Sidhu |
Cinematography | Vineet Malhotra |
Writer | Amberdeep Singh |
Cast | Roshan Prince, Saanvi Dhiman, Gurpreet Ghuggi, Nisha Bano, Karamjit Anmol |
Language | Punjabi |
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