Doorbeen revolves around the ingenious and mischievous undertakings of Shinda, a young village boy who is infamous for his smuggling antics. The movie explores his adventures and the various unusual situations he finds himself in, alongside his friend, played by Jass Bajwa. As Shinda continues to outsmart the local police and navigate his way through tricky situations, the film delves into themes of friendship, loyalty, and the rural lifestyle of Punjab.
Doorbeen Movie Information
Attribute | Details |
Movie Name | Doorbeen |
Genres | Drama, Adventure, Comedy |
Release Date | September 27, 2019 |
Director | Ishan Chopra |
Produced by | Sukhraj Randhawa, Jugraj Bal, Yadwinder Virk |
Cinematography | Manoj Shaw |
Writer | Sukhraj Singh |
Cast | Ninja, Wamiqa Gabbi, Jass Bajwa, Jasmin Bajwa, Yograj Singh, Harby Sangha |
Quality | High Definition (HD) |
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